Peter Ingwersen

Professor Emeritus, D. Ph., h.c.

■ Royal School of Library and Information Science,
University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Adjunct Professor
■ Aalborg University, Copenhagen, Denmark
■ Åbo University Academy, Turku, Finland

Information Retrieval Interaction, Taylor Graham, London, 1992
Scientometric Indicators and Webometrics—and the Polyrepresentation Principle in IR, ESS ESS Publications, Bangalore, 2012

all publications


On this page you can find the full list of Peter Ingwersen's publications.
For a selected and thematic list, please, click here.
Quicklinks to chapters of the full publication list:
  ■ books and book editions
  ■ journal articles—in danish
  ■ journal articles & research notes—in english
  ■ conference papers
  ■ book chapters and selected textbooks
  ■ r&d reports and curriculum programs
  ■ review articles, large book reviews and brief communications


books and book editions

  Lånernes Brug af Kartoteket : en analyse med kommentarer
(The Users' Application of the Catalogue). Copenhagen: Royal School of Librarian-ship, 1974. (87-7415-001-4), 115 p. (Studier fra Danmarks Biblioteksskole; 8).
Thesis. Resumé en francais. In Danish.
  ESA Information Retrieval Service : Brochure.
Text, drawings and part of lay-out by P. Ingwersen.
Frascati: IRS, Online Service Division, Marketing. 1983. Rev. ed. 1984. 16 p.
  Information Technology and Information Use: Towards a Unified View of Information andInformation Technology. Edited by P. Ingwersen, L. Kajberg and A. M. Pejtersen. London: Taylor Graham, 1986. (0-947568-06-9), 194 p.  
  Informationsformidling i Teori og Praksis. Af P. Ingwersen og Irene Wormell. København: Munksgaard, 1990. (87-16-10643-1), 104 s.  
  Intermediary Functions in Information Retrieval Interaction. Copenhagen Business School. Faculty of Economics. Samfundslitteratur, 1991 (87-593-8006-3), xx, 169 p. (Ph.D. Serie 4.91). Ph.D. dissertation.  
 Information Retrieval Interaction. London: Taylor Graham, 1992 (0-947568-54-9) x,246 p.3.6 MB 
  SIGIR '92: Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual International ACM-SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. Edited by N. Belkin, P. Ingwersen and A.M. Pejtersen. New York, N.Y.: ACM Press, 1992 (0-89791-523-2), vii, 353 p.  
  SIGIR '95: Proceedings of the 18th Annual International ACM-SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. Edited by E. A. Fox, P. Ingwersen, and R. Fidel. New York, N.Y.: ACM Press, 1995 (0-89791-714-6), ix, 382 p.  
  Information Retrieval Interaction. Japanese translation. Tokyo, Toppan Publ., 1995 (4- 8101- 8917-1), ix, 373 p.  
  Information Science: Integration in Perspective. Ed. by Peter Ingwersen and Niels Ole Pors. Proceedings of the 2nd. International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science (CoLIS 2), Oct. 13-16, 1996. The Royal School of Librarianship, Copenhagen, 1996. (87-7415-260-2), 484 p.  
  The International Visibility of Danish and Scandinavian Research 1988-96: A General Overview of Science & Technology and the Social Sciences by Online Publication Analysis. Centre for Informetric Studies, the Royal School of Library and Information Science, Copenhagen, 1998. 72p. (87-7415-263-7) (CIS Report 5).  
  Journal of Documentation, Thematic Research Issue 2000. Invited guest editor of 6 selected research contributions by authors from the Royal School of Library and Information Science. Journal of Documentation, January, 2000, vol. 56(1), 1-90.  
  Information Retrieval Interaction. Korean translation. Seoul, Bibliographic Information Processing Society, 1998. (ISBN: 89-86685-08-6), 361 p.  
  SIGIR 2000: Proceedings of the 23rd Annual International ACM Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. Belkin, N.J., Ingwersen, P. & Mun-Kew Leong (eds.). Special issue of SIGIR Forum, vol. 34. New York, N.Y.: ACM Press, 2000. (ISBN: 1-58113-226-3).  
  Emerging Frameworks and Methods: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science (CoLIS 4). Bruce, H., Fidel, R., Ingwersen, P. & Vakkari, P. (eds.), Greenwood Village, CO, USA, Libraries Unlimited: 336 p.  
  Information Retrieval in Context: IRiX: ACM-SIGIR Workshop 2004 Proceedings. Ingwersen, P., van Rijsbergen, C.J., Belkin, N. & Larsen, B. (eds.) 27th ACM-SIGIR Conference on Research and Development of Information Retrieval. Sheffield University. 49 p.  
  Information Retrieval in Context: IRiX: ACM-SIGIR Workshop 2005 Proceedings. Ingwersen, P. Järvelin, K., Belkin, N. & Larsen, B. (eds.), 28th ACM-SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. San Salvador, Brazil, 2005: 56 p.  
  Proceedings of the ISSI 2005: 10th International Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics. Ingwersen, P. and Larsen, B (eds.), Stockholm, Karolinska Institute, 2005: 780 p.  
  The Turn: Integration of Information Seeking and Retrieval in Context. Ingwersen, P. and Järvelin, K. Dordrecht: Springer, 2005: 460 p. introduction  |  table of contents  |  bibliography 30 kB
0.4 MB
1 MB
  Information Interaction in Context: International Symposium on Information Interaction in Context: IiiX 2006: Copenhagen, Denmark, 18-20 October 2006. Ruthven, I., Borlund, P., Ingwersen, P., Belkin, N., Tombros, A. & Vakkari, P. (eds.). Copenhagen, New York: Royal School of Library and Information Science /ACM Press. 310p.  
  The Turn: Integration of Information Seeking and Retrieval in Context. Ingwersen, P. and Järvelin, K. Beijing, ISTIC, 2007: 439p. ISBN: 978-7-5023-5674-3 (Chinese translation of 0.20).  
  The Turn: Integration of Information Seeking and Retrieval in Context. Ingwersen, P. and Järvelin, K. Tokyo, Maruzen, 2008: 317p. ISBN: 978-4-621-07945-4 (Japanese translation of 0.20).  
  Information Retrieval Interaction. Ingwersen, P. 2010 Teheran : Ketabdar Publishing Agency, Iran. 250 s. (Persian translation of 0.06).  
 Scientometric Indicators and Webometrics - and the Polyrepresentation Principle in Information Retrieval. Ingwersen, P. Bangalore: Ess Ess Publications, New Delhi, India, 2012. 100 p. ISBN: 978-81-7000-657-2 (Sarada Ranganathan Endowment Lectures; 28).1.8 MB 

journal articles—in danish

  Informationskundskab. Foredrag for bibliotekslederne, Nyborg Strand, 1979.
DB-Meddelelser, nr. 30, 28.03.79, pp 12-15
  Bibliotekaren kan roligt indrømme sin uvidenhed!
Bogens Verden, Nr. 1, 1982, pp 16-22
  Adgang til ESA-IRS
Nyt fra Forsknings- og Publikationssekretariatet, DB, nr. 7. marts 1982, pp 8-10
  Bibliotekarens opgaver i nyt lys. Af A. Andersen og P. Ingwersen.
Nyt fra Forsknings- og Publikationssekretariatet, DB, nr. 21, 1984, pp 3-8
  Bibliotekar- og informationsuddannelserne i Storbritanien
Nyt fra Forsknings- og Publikationssekretariatet. DB, nr. 21, 1984, pp 8-11
  Bibliotekaruddannelsen på vej ud af dødvandet? Interviewartikel sammen med E. Hinge Christensen og Werner Pedersen. Bibliotek 70, nr. 4. 1985, pp 132-136  
  Brugerbetjening: Informationsbehov - Søgeinterview - System-design.
Biblioteksarbejde, no. 21/22, (8), 1987, pp 12-71.
  Forskning i information retrieval.
MIC-Nytt (Medline Info Centre, Stockholm), 1989, 5, pp 7-10
  Fra informationskundskab til informationsvidenskab: kandidatuddannelsens baggrund og status. Over Broen, November, 1992, 11, pp. 16-23.  
  Systemudvikling i et in-house miljø: Folketingets emneordssystem som case-studie.
Biblioteksarbejde, no. 41, 1994, pp. 5-24.
  Udvikling af medicinske artikler 1989-1998: En undersøgelse af Danmark i forhold til de øvrige medlemmer af den Europæiske Union. Henrik L. Jørgensen, Lisbeth Prætorius, Peter Ingwersen. Ugeskrift for Læger, 15. november 1999, 161/46, p. 6339-6343.  
 Forskningsaktiviteten for kandidater med ph.d.- eller fra de sundhedsvidenskabelige fakulteter 1995-1997. Henrik L. Jørgensen, Birger Larsen, Peter Ingwersen & Jens Rehfeld. Ugeskrift for Læger, 2. februar, 2004, 166/6, p. 479-489.0.1 MB 
  Det Strategiske Miljøforskningsprogram: Forskningsaktivitet og gennemslagskraft. Miljøforskning, nr. 58, august 2004, p. 8-25.  
 Dækningsgraden i Science Citation Index af dansk sundhedsvidenskabelig forskning 1998. Peter Ingwersen & Elsebeth Lynge. Ugeskrift for Læger, 166(40), 27/11-2004: 3493-3497.0.1 MB 
 Scientometriske metoder til måling af forskningsaktiviteten og gennemslagskraft. Ingwersen, P.; Birger Larsen; Jens Rehfeld; Henrik Jørgensen. Klinisk Biokemi i Norden, 2007, 19(3): 10-23. MB 
 Informationssøgning set i det Integrerede Kognitive Forskningsperspektiv. Peter Ingwersen & Kalervo Järvelin. Dansk Biblioteksforskning, 2008, 4(2): 17-32. (Forkortet oversættelse af artiklen 3.51).0.5 MB 
 Positiv effekt af omstridt pointsystem på dansk forskningsproduktion. Peter Ingwersen & Birger Larsen. (Blog-article; 11. September 2014).0.1 MB 

journal articles & research notes—in english

  Trends of the information field in DK. By P. Ingwersen, S. Kaae and L. Kajberg.
Journal of Information Science, Vol. 1, no. 1, 1979 pp 63-66. (invited research note).
 Search procedures in the library: analysed from a cognitive point of view
Journal of Documentation, Vol. 38, no. 3, 1982, pp 165-191
0.8 MB 
  ESA-IRS implemented and proposed general standard for the allocation of prefix and other field codes. (Guidelines and codes made for ESA-IRS Online Service Division)
Newsidic, no. 59. May 1983, pp 6-14
  Review of new commands, services and new databases during 1982.
News & Views, Vol. 8, no. 3, 1983, insert, 4 p.
  Information in Italy : letter from Rome.
Journal of Information Science, no. 6, 1983, pp 91-94 (invited research letter)
  Psychological aspects of information retrieval
Social Science Information Studies, no. 4, 1984, pp 83-95
  Information technology - which applications?
Social Science Information Studies, no. 4, 1984, pp 185-196
 A cognitive view of three selected online search facilities
Online Review, Vol. 8, no. 5, 1984 pp 465-492 (Now: Online & CD-ROM Review)
0.9 MB 
  Gli aspetti psicologici della ricerca dell'informazione
Il Bibliotecario, Vol. 1, 1, 1984, pp 33-46 (Transl. of 2.6).
 Distributed expert-based information systems: an interdisciplinary approach.
With N.J. Belkin et al. Information Processing and Management, Vol. 23, 5, 1987, pp 395-409
14.4 MB 
  Means to improved subject access and representation in modern information retrieval.
Peter Ingwersen & I. Wormell. Libri, (38), 2, June 1988, pp. 94-119.
  Modern indexing and retrieval techniques matching different types of information needs.
Peter Ingwersen & I. Wormell. International Forum of Information and Documentation, Vol 14, 3, July 1989, pp. 17-22. (Journal version of 4.1.5).
  Research in information retrieval.
MIC News (Medline Information Centre, Stockholm). 1989, 5, p. 7-10 (Transl. of 1.8)
 Information and information science in context.
Libri, (42), 2, 1992, pp. 99-135.
5.8 MB 
 Ranganathan in the perspective of advanced information retrieval.
Peter Ingwersen & I. Wormell. Libri, (42), 3, 1992, pp. 184-201.
18 MB 
  The cognitive viewpoint in IR
Journal of Documentation, (49), 1, 1993, pp. 60-64 (Research Letter)
  Information science and management: the framework and prospects underlying the new Danish MSc Programme. Journal of Information Science, (20), 3, 1994, pp. 197-208.  
 An introduction to algorithmic and cognitive approaches for information retrieval. Peter Ingwersen and Peter Willett. Libri, vol. 45, 3/4, 1995, pp. 160-177.4.3 MB 
 Cognitive perspectives of information retrieval interaction: elements of a cognitive IR theory. Journal of Documentation, 52(1), 1996,pp. 3-50.1.4 MB 
 Data set isolation for bibliometric online analyses of research publications: fundamental methodological issues. Peter Ingwersen and Finn Hjortgaard Christensen. Journal of American Society for Information Science, vol. 48(3) 1997, 205-217.0.3 MB 
  Online citation analysis: a methodological approach. Finn Hjortgaard Christensen and Peter Ingwersen. Scientometrics, vol.37(1), 1996, pp. 39-62.  
  The development of a method for the evaluation of interactive information retrieval systems. Pia Borlund and Peter Ingwersen. Journal of Documentation, vol. 53(3), 1997, pp. 225-250.  
 Informetric analyses on the World Wide Web: methodological approaches to Webometrics. Thomas C. Almind and Peter Ingwersen. Journal of Documentation, vol. 53(4), 1997, pp. 404-426.0.5 MB 
  Europe and Information Science: European Research Letter. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 48(12), 1997, pp. 1139-1141.  
  Online determination of the journal impact factor and its international properties. Finn Hjortgaard Christensen, Peter Ingwersen & Irene Wormell. Scientometrics, 40(3), 1997, 529-540. (Extended article version of #3.16).  
 The Calculation of Web Impact Factors. Journal of Documentation, vol. 54(2), 1998, pp. 236-243 (Research Note).0.1 MB 
  The role of librarians and libraries in organising digital information. Libri, 49(1), 1999, 11-15.  
  Online indicators of Danish Biomedical Publication Behaviour 1988-96: International visibility, impact, and co-operation in a Scandinavian and World context. Research Evaluation,8(1), 1999, 39-45.  
  Publication behaviour and international impact: Scandinavian clinical and social medicine 1988-96. Peter Ingwersen and Irene Wormell. Scientometrics, 1999, 46(3), 487-499. (Article version of #3.18).  
  A user-oriented interface for generalized informetric analysis based on applying advanced data modelling techniques. Kalervo Järvelin, Peter Ingwersen and Timo Niemi. Journal of Documentation, 2000, May 56(3), 250-278.  
  A bibliometric study of the publication patterns in the sciences of South African scholars 1981-96. Daisy Jacobs and Peter Ingwersen. Scientometrics, 2000, 47(1), 75-93.  
 Dimensions of relevance. Erica Cosijn and Peter Ingwersen. Information Processing & Management. 2000, 36, 533-550.0.2 MB 
 Cognitive Information Retrieval. Annual Review of Information Science & Technology (ARIST), vol. 34, 1999. Published for American Society fro Information Science and Technology (ASIST) by Information Today, Medford, NJ, 2001, 3-52.0.2 MB 
 The international visibility and citation impact of the social sciences in the Scandinavian countries: the decay of a myth. Scientometrics, 2000, 49(1), 39-61.0.3 MB 
 Perspectives on webometrics. Lennart Björneborn and Peter Ingwersen. Scientometrics, 2001, 50(1), 65-82.

In Farsi (Persian language): Björneborn, L. & Ingwersen, P. (2003). Cheshm-andâzhâyi bar Web-sanji. Translated by AliReza Noruzi & Zahra Bigdeli. Ettela Resani (Journal of Information Science), 19(1&2): 64-86.
0.2 MB 
 The publication-citation matrix and its derived quantities. P. Ingwersen, B. Larsen, R. Rousseau and J. Russell. Chinese Science Bulletin, 46(6), March 2001, 524-528. (Also in Chinese in Chinese Science Bulletin, 46(8), 2001, 700-704).0.3 MB 
  Mapping national research profiles in social science disciplines. P. Ingwersen, Ed. Noyons and B. Larsen. Journal of Documentation, 2001, October 57(6), 715-740.  
  Visibility and impact of research in Psychiatry for North European countries in EU, US and world contexts. Scientometrics, 2002, 54(1), 131-144.  
  McDonaldization of international management research. Sociologisk Forskning, 2003, 2(3): 38-40 (Sweden).  
 South African research in selected scientific areas: Status 1981-2000. Ingwersen, P. & Jacobs, D. Scientometrics, 2004, 59(3): 405-423.1.4 MB 
  Highlights of a career in Information Science. ASIS&T Bulletin, 2004, 31 (6): 6-8.  
 Towards a Basic Framework for Webometrics. Björneborn, L. and Ingwersen, P. Journal of American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), 2004, 55(14): 1216-1227.0.3 MB 
 The Sense of Information: Understanding the Cognitive Conditional Information Concept in relation to Information Acquisition. Peter Ingwersen & Kalervo Järvelin. In: Fabio Crestani & Ian Ruthven (eds.), Context: Nature, Impact, Role. 5th International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science, CoLIS 5, Glasgow, UK, June 2005, Proceedings. Springer Verlag, LNCS 3507, p. 7-19.0.3 MB 
 Scandinavian research in anaesthesiology 1981-2000: Visibility and impact in EU and world context. Skram, U., Larsen, B., Ingwersen, P. and Viby-Mogensen, J. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica, 2004, 48: 1006-1013.0.1 MB 
 Characteristics of scientific web publications: Preliminary data gathering and analysis. Jepsen, E.T., Seiden, P., Ingwersen, P., Björneborn, L. & Borlund, P. Journal of American Society for Information Science & Technology, 2004, 55(14): 1239-1249.0.1 MB 
 Information seeking research needs extension towards tasks and technology. Kalervo Järvelin & Peter Ingwersen. Information Research, 10(1), paper 212, 2004. - 17 p. MB 
  Information retrieval in context: IRiX: Workshop at SIGIR 2004 – Sheffield. Ingwersen, P. & Belkin, N. Sigir Forum, Dec. 2004, 38(2): 3 p.  
  Webometric research. Information Research Watch International. 2005, February: 2-3  
  Information retrieval in context: IRiX. Ingwersen, P. and Järvelin, K. Sigir Forum, 2005, 39(2): 9 p.  
 Evaluation of strategic research programs: The case of Danish environmental research 1993-2002. Peter Ingwersen & Birger Larsen. Research Evaluation, 2007, March., Vol. 16(1): 47-58.0.1 MB 
  First international symposion on information interaction in context. Ingwersen, P., Ruthven, I. & Belkin, N. Sigir Forum, Vol. 41 (1), 2007: 117-119.  
  The 12th Nordic Workshop on Bibliometrics and Research Policy in Copenhagen. Larsen,Birger; Björneborn, Lennart; Ingwersen, Peter. ISSI Newsletter, 2007, 3(3): 41-43.  
 Inter and intra-document contexts applied in polyrepresentation. Mette Skov, Birger Larsen & Peter Ingwersen. Information Processing & Management, 44 (2008): 1673-1683.0.3 MB 
 A context-driven integrated framework for research on interactive IR. Document, Information & Knowledge, 2008, 126(6): 44-50. (Chinese peer reviewed journal).0.2 MB 
 Data Fusion According to the Principle of Polyrepresentation. Peter Ingwersen, Berit Lund & Birger Larsen. Journal of American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), 2009, 60(4): 646-654.0.7 MB 
 A comparative study of first and all-author co-citation counting, and two different matrix generation approaches applied for author co-citation analyses. Schneider, J. W., Larsen, B. & Ingwersen, P. Scientometrics. 2009, 80(1): 103-130. 10.1007/s11192-007-2019-y0.4 MB 
 Towards a data publishing framework for primary biodiversity data: Challenges and potentials for the biodiversity informatics community. Vishwas S. Chavan & Peter Ingwersen. BMC Bioinformatics, 2009, 10 (Suppl. 14): 52: 11 pages; DOI: 10.1186/1471-2105-10-S14-S2.1 MB 
 Publication Point Indicators: A Comparative Case Study of two Publication Point Systems and Citation Impact in an Interdisciplinary Context. Anita Elleby & Peter Ingwersen. Journal of Informetrics, 2010, 4(4): 512-523.0.3 MB 
 Educational perceptions of requirements of the information profession in China. Guoqiu Li, Fuling Li, Xun Li, Peter Ingwersen. Journal of Information Science, 2010, 36(5): 566-584.0.5 MB 
 Scientometric and Webometric methods. Ingwersen, P. Document, Information & Knowledge (China), 2010, 1(133): 4-11.0.3 MB 
 Indicators for the Data Usage Index (DUI): an incentive for publishing primary biodiversity data through global information infrastructure. Ingwersen, P. & Chavan, V. BMC Bioinformatics, 15 Dec. 2011,12 (Suppl 15), S3, 10 p.0.3 MB 
  Towards mainstreaming of biodiversity data publishing: recommendations of the GBIF Data Publishing Framework Task Group. Moritz, T. , Krishnan, S. , Roberts, D. , Ingwersen, P. , Agosti, D. , Penev, Y. , Cockerill, M. & Chavan, V. BMC Bioinformatics, 15 Dec. 2011, 12 (Suppl 15), S1, 10 p.  
  The ISSI Conference in South Africa. By Ocholla, D. & Ingwersen, P. ISSI Newsletter. 2011,7(3): 38-44.  
 The pragmatics of a diachronic journal impact factor. Peter Ingwersen. Scientometrics, 92(2), 2012, p. 319-324.0.2 MB 
  The 13th international conference on scientometrics and informetrics. Ocholla, D. , Ingwersen, P., Noyons, E. & Glänzel, W. Scientometrics. 7 Jan. 2012. 2 p.  
 Renewable energy research 1995–2009: a case study of wind power research in EU, Spain, Germany and Denmark. Sanz-Casado, E., Garcia- Zorita, J. C. , Serrano-López, A. E., Larsen, B. & Ingwersen, P. 9 Aug. 2012, Scientometrics. Online version; Vol 95, No. 1, 9. March, 2013, pp. 197-224.1.1 MB 
  FindZebra : a search engine for rare diseases. By Dragusin, Radu; Petcu, Paula; Lioma, Christina; Larsen, Birger; Jørgensen, Henrik L; Cox, Ingemar Johansson; Hansen, Lars Kai; Ingwersen, Peter; & Winther, Ole. International Journal of Medical Informatics, Vol. 82, No. 6, 2013, pp. 528-538.  
  Specialised tools are needed when searching the web for rare disease diagnoses. By Dragusin, Radu; Petcu, Paula; Lioma, Christina; Larsen, Birger; Jørgensen, Henrik L.; Cox, Ingemar; Hansen, Lars Kai; Ingwersen, Peter; Winther, Ole. Rare Diseases, Vol. 1, No. 2, e25001, 2013.  
 Influence of a performance indicator on Danish research production and citation impact 2000-12. Peter Ingwersen & Birger Larsen. Scientometrics, 2014. 101(2), 1325-1344. DOI 10.1007/s11192-014-1291-x.0.7 MB 
 Production, consumption and research on solar energy: The Spanish and German case. Elias Sanz-Casado; Maria Luisa Lascurain-Sánchez; Antonio Eleazar Serrano-Lopez; Birger Larsen; & Peter Ingwersen. Renewable Energy, Vol. 68, 2014, pp. 733-744. MB 
 Influence of proceedings papers on citation impact in seven sub-fields of sustainable energy research 2005–2011. Ingwersen, Peter; Larsen, Birger; Garcia-Zorita, J. Carlos; Serrano-Lopez, Antonio Eleazar; Sanz-Casado, Elias. Scientometrics, Vol. 99, Nr. 2, 12.10.2014, pp. 1273-1292.0.9 MB 
 Museum Web search behavior of special interest visitors. Skov, Mette; Ingwersen, Peter. Library & Information Science Research, Vol. 36, 20.05.2014, pp. 91-98.0.5 MB 
 Selected critical examples of scientometric publication analysis. B i D. Textos Universitaris de Biblioteconomia i Documentacio, Vol. 32, 21.06, 2014. 6 p. MB 
 Taking scholarly books into account. Current developments in five European countries. Gimenez-Toledo, Elea; Manana-Rodriguez, Jorge; Engels, Tim C. E.; Ingwersen, Peter; Polonen, Janne; Sivertsen, Gunnar; Verleysen, Frederik T.; Zuccala, Alesia Ann. In: Scientometrics, online 15-02-2016, 15 p.; DOI 10.1007/s11192-016-1886-5.0.7 MB 
 Reflections on Receiving the ASIS&T 2016 Award of Merit. In: Bulletin of the Association for Information Science and Technology - December/January 2017 - Vol. 43, nr 2.0.5 MB 
 Wind power research in Wikipedia: Does Wikipedia demonstrate direct influence of research publications and can it be used as adequate source in research evaluation? Antonio Eleazar Serrano-López, Peter Ingwersen, Elias Sanz-Casado. In: Scientometrics, published online June 2017; Volume 112, 1471-1488; DOI: 10.1007/s11192-017-2447-2 (last revised version)1.5 MB 
 Smart City Research 1990-2016. Ingwersen, P. and Serrano-López, A.E. In: Scientometrics. Published online 2018/08/31; print November 2018, Volume 117, Issue 2, pp 1205–1236. DOI: (Accepted version)2.7 MB 
 Do journals and corporate sponsors back certain views in topics where disagreement prevails? Peter Ingwersen, Soeren Holm, Birger Larsen and Thomas Ploug. In: Scientometrics, 126, 389–415 (2021). DOI: 10.1007/s11192-020-03743-8.0.4 MB 

conference papers

  A Study of the user-librarian negotiation process.
By P. Ingwersen, Th. Johansen and P. Timmermann. EURIM II Proceedings : an European Conference on the Application of Research in Information Services and Libraries. 23-25 March, 1976, Amsterdam. - London: Aslib. 1977, pp 203-207.
  Cognitive processes in information storage and retrieval.
By O. Harbo, P. Ingwersen and P. Timmerman. CC 77 : International Workshop on the Cognitive Viewpoint. 24-26 March, 1977, Ghent. Ed. by Marc de Mey. Ghent University, 1977, pp 214-218.
  User-librarian negotiation and search procedures : a progress report.
With Th. Johansen and P. Timmermann. In: Theory and Applications of Information Research : proceedings of the 2. International Research Forum on Information Science (IRFIS 2). August, 1977. Copenhagen. Ed. by Ole Harbo and Leif Kajberg. London: Mansell. 1980, pp 160-171
  User-librarian negotiations and information search procedures in public libraries : analysis of verbal protocols.
With S. Kaae. Proceedings of the 3rd International Research Forum in Information Science, (IRFIS 3), August 1-3, 1979, Oslo. Ed. by Thor Henriksen. Oslo: Statens Biblioteksskole, 1979, pp 71-106.
  Online man-machine interaction facilities : a cognitive view.
Representation and Exchange of Knowledge as a Basis for Information processes. Proceedings of the 5th International Research Forum in Information Science (IRFIS 5), 5-7 Sept., 1983, Heidelberg. London: North-Holland, 1984, pp 325-358.
  User requirements : empirical research and information system design.
With Annelise M. Pejtersen. In: Information Technology and Information Use. Proceedings of NORDINFO Conference on Information Technology as a Tool for Information Use. London: Taylor Graham, 1986, pp 111-124.
  Improved subject access, browsing and scanning mechanisms in modern online IR.
With I. Wormell. Proceedings of the 1986-ACM/SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Pisa, Sep. 8-10, 1986. Pisa: ACM, 1986, pp 68-76.
  Quantitative analysis of Danish chemical research production: a study of Chemical Abstracts.
With Jette Rist Bork. Information and Innovation. Proceedings of the 7th Nordic I&D Conference, August, 1989, Aarhus, Denmark. Copenhagen, DTL, 1989, pp 107-120.
  Integrated information retrieval in a knowledge worker support system.
Gordon McAlpine and Peter Ingwersen. Proceedings of the 12th Annual International ACM/SIGIR Conference on R&D in Information Retrieval, June 1989, Boston, USA, Sigir Forum, June 1989, pp 48-58.
  Conceptions of information science.
Concluding overview of the CoLIS Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science (CoLIS 1). Tampere, Finland, August, 1991. In: Conceptions of Library and Information Science. Ed. by B. Cronin and P. Vakkari. London: Taylor Graham, 1992. pp. 229-312.
  Polyrepresentation of information needs and semantic entities: Elements of a cognitive theory for information retrieval interaction.
Proceedings of the 17th Annual International ACM/SIGIR Conference on R&D in Information Retrieval, July 1994, Dublin, Ireland. London: Springer, 1994. pp. 101-110
(Conference version of the article #2.19)
  The cognitive perspective in information retrieval.
Proceedings of the 47th FID Conference: Finding New Values and Uses of Information. Omiya, Japan, October, 1994. pp. 7-14 (Key-note).
  Fundamental methodological issues of data set creation online for the analysis of research publications. Finn Hjortgaard Christensen and Peter Ingwersen. Nordic Symposium: Studies on Research Evaluation. Copenhagen, November 1994. In: Proceedings of the Fifth Biennial Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics. Ed. by M. Koenig and A. Bookstein. London, Learned Information, 1995, pp. 103-112.
(Conference version of the article #2.20)
  Information Retrieval as interactive cognitive processes. Information Processing Society of Japan Research Conference, April 1996. IPSJ SIG Notes, vol. 34, 1996, 25-33 (ISSN: 0919-6072) (keynote) (preliminary version of article #4.1.10)  
  What to measure in interactive information retrieval. Paper presented at the Nancy MIRA ESPRIT Working Group Workshop, October 1997. Full-text available from WWW at the MIRA home page site:  
  Online determination of the journal impact factor and its international properties. Finn Hjortgaard Christensen, Peter Ingwersen and Irene Wormell. In: Proceedings of the Sixth Biennial Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics. Ed. by Bluma C. Peritz and Leo Egghe. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1997. p. 45-55. (Published as article #2.25)  
 Measures of relative relevance and ranked half-life: Performance indicators for interactive IR. Pia Borlund and Peter Ingwersen. Proceedings of the 21st. ACM/SIGIR International Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Melbourne, Australia, August 1998. Edited by Alistair Moffat. New York, ACM Press, 1998, p. 324-331.1 MB 
  Publication behaviour and international impact: Scandinavian clinical and social medicine 1988-96. Peter Ingwersen & Irene Wormell. In: Cesar A. Macias-Chapula (ed.) Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics, July, 1999, Colima, Mexico. Universidad de Colima, 1999. p. 222-233. (Published as article #2.29).  
  The word association methodology - a gateway to work task-based retrieval. Marianne Lykke Nielsen and Peter Ingwersen. Final MIRA ESPRIT Working Group Conference, April 1999. Electronic Workshops in Computing. Full-text available from WWW at the home page site:  
  The application of work tasks in connection with the evaluation of interactive retrieval systems: Empirical results. Pia Borlund and Peter Ingwersen. Final MIRA ESPRIT Working Group Conference, April 1999. Electronic Workshops in Computing, 1999. Full-text available from WWW at the home page site:  
  Mapping national research profiles in selected social science disciplines. Peter Ingwersen, Ed. Noyons and Th. N. van Leeuwen. 6th International Science & Technology Conference on Assessment and Monitoring of Scientific and Technical Developments. Leiden, Centre for Science and Technology Studies, Netherlands, May, 2000, Abstract/presentation, p. 53-54.  
  The cognitive information structures in information retrieval. In: Progress in Library and Information Science in Southern Africa (ProLISSA) Conference, Pretoria, 26.-27. October, 2000. Pretoria, Centre for Information Development, University of Pretoria, 2000. p. 205-220.  
  The Web impact factor. In: Davis M. and Wilson, C. (eds.) Proceedings of the 8th. International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics, ISSI2001, Sydney, July 16-20, 2001. Sydney, The University of New South Wales, 2001, Vol. 1: 12-13 (Panel presentation)  
 Cognitive Perspectives of Representation. Keynote. In: José López-Huertas Pérez (ed), ISKO:Espana: V. Congreso: La Representatcion y Organizacion del Conocimiento: Metodologias, Modelos y Aplicaciones. 25-27 Abril, 2001, Alcalá de Henares, Madrid: 32-41.0.3 MB 
  Visibility and impact of research in psychiatry for North European countries in EU, US and World contexts. In: Davis M. and Wilson, C. (eds.) Proceedings of the 8th. International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics, ISSI2001, Sydney, July 16-20, 2001. Sydney, The University of New South Wales, 2001, Vol. 1: 265-274. (Shorter version of item 2.38).  
  Synchonous and diachronous citation analysis for information retrieval: Generating a Boomerang effect from the network of scientific papers. Birger Larsen & P. Ingwersen. In: Davis M. and Wilson, C. (eds.) Proceedings of the 8th. International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics, ISSI2001, Sydney, July 16-20, 2001. Sydney, The University of New South Wales, 2001, Vol. 1: 355-368.  
  South African research in selected scientific areas: Status 1981-2000. Ingwersen, P. and Jacobs, D. In: Bothma, T. and Kaniki, A. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd Biennal Dissanet Conference, ProLISSA: Progress in Library and Information Science in Southern Africa. Glenstantia, RSA, Infuse, 2002: 77-92.  
  The Boomerang effect: Retrieving scientific documents via the network of references and citations. Larsen, B. and Ingwersen, P. In: Beaulieu, M., Baeza-Yates, R. Myaeng, S.H. & Järvelin, K. (eds.), Proceedings of the 25th Annual International ACM-SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Tampere, August, 2002. New York, NY, ACM-Press: 397-398.  
  WebTAPIR: Scientific information retrieval on the World Wide Web. Jepsen, E.T., Seiden, P., Björneborn, L., Lund, H. & Ingwersen, P. In: Bruce, H., Fidel, R., Ingwersen, P. & Vakkari, P. (eds.), Emerging Frameworks and Methods: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science (CoLIS 4). Greenwood Village, CO, USA, Libraries Unlimited, 2002: 309-312.  
  Cognitive perspectives of document representations. In: Bruce, H., Fidel, R., Ingwersen, P. & Vakkari, P. (eds.), Emerging Frameworks and Methods: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science (CoLIS 4). Greenwood Village, CO, USA, Libraries Unlimited, 2002: 285-300.  
  Anaesthesia research in Northern Europe 1981-2000: visibility and impact in EU context. Skram, U., Larsen, B., Ingwersen, P. and Viby-Mogensen, J.: European Journal of Anaesthesiology, 20(Suppl. 30) (2003): 195. []  
  Scandinavian Anaesthesia Research 1981-2000. Skram, U., Larsen, B., Ingwersen, P. and Viby-Mogensen, J. In: DASINFO, 11(4)(2003): 31. (Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of DASAIM - the Danish Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine) [, visited 16-1-2004].  
 Using value-added document representations in INEX. Larsen, B., Lund, H., Andresen, J. K. and Ingwersen, P. (2003): Using value-added document representations in INEX. In: Fuhr, N., Lalmas, M. and Malik, S. eds. INEX 2003 Workshop Proceedings, December 15-17, 2003, Schloss Dagstuhl, International Conference and Research Center for Computer Science. p. 67-72. [, visited 10-2-2004]1.2 MB 
 Testing the principle of polyrepresentation. Skov, M., Pedersen, H., Larsen, B and Ingwersen, P. In: Information Retrieval in Context: IRiX: ACM-SIGIR Workshop 2004, at the 27th ACM-SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. Sheffield University: 47-49. Available: MB 
  Information retrieval in contexts. Ingwersen, P. & Järvelin, K. In: Information Retrieval in Context: IRiX: ACM-SIGIR Workshop 2004, at the 27th ACM-SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. Sheffield University: 6-9. Available:  
 Extending information seeking and retrieval research toward context. Järvelin, K. & Ingwersen, P. In: Information Retrieval in Context: IRiX: ACM-SIGIR Workshop 2004, at the 27th ACM-SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. Sheffield University: 11-15. Available: MB 
  Scientific Web publications: Characteristics and retrieval constraints. P. Ingwersen, E. Thorlund Jepsen and P. Borlund. In: Knowledge and Change: Proceedings of the Nordic Information & Documentation Conference, Aalborg, September 1-3, 2004: 35-43.  
  Context in Information Retrieval. P. Ingwersen & K. Järvelin. In: Bothma, T. and Kaniki, A. (eds.), Proceedings of the 3nd Biennal Dissanet Conference, ProLISSA: Progress in Library and Information Science in Southern Africa. Glenstantia, RSA, Infuse, 2004: 301-310.  
 Extending Information Seeking and Retrieval Research towards Context. K. Järvelin & P. Ingwersen. In: Bothma, T. and Kaniki, A. (eds.), Proceedings of the 3nd Biennal Dissanet Conference, ProLISSA: Progress in Library and Information Science in Southern Africa. Glenstantia, RSA, Infuse, 2004: 311-324.0.2 MB 
  Selected Variables for IR Interaction in Context: Introduction to IRiX SIGIR 2005 Workshop. In: Ingwersen, P. et al. (eds.), Information Retrieval in Context: IRiX: ACM-SIGIR Workshop 2005, at the 28th ACM-SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. San Salvador, Brazil, 2005: 6-9.  
  Capturing Contexts for Web Filtering in the Humanities. Haakon Lund, Birger Larsen, Rasmus Erik Voel Jensen, Anders Ardö, Koralejka Golub and Peter Ingwersen. In: Ingwersen, P. et al.. (eds.), Information Retrieval in Context: IRiX: ACM-SIGIR Workshop 2005, at the 28th ACM-SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. San Salvador, Brazil, 2005: 48-50.  
  Evaluation of strategic research programs: The case of Danish environmental research 1993-2002. Peter Ingwersen and Birger Larsen. In: Ingwersen, P. and Larsen, B (eds.), Proceedings of the ISSI 2005 10th International Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics. Stockholm, 2005: 450-459.  
  Impact of relevance intensity in test topics on IR performance in polyrepresentative exploratory search systems. Lund, Berit; Schneider, Jesper W. & Ingwersen, Peter. In: White, Ryen, Muresan, G. & Marchionini, G. (eds.), Proceedings of the ACM-SIGIR Workshop on Evaluation Exploratory Search Systems (ESS 2006). Seattle, WA, University of Washington, WA, USA, 2006: 42-46.  
  Webometrics: Ten years of expansion. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics & 7th COLLNET Meeting, 10-12 May, 2006: 4-8 (Keynote).  
 The polyrepresentative continuum in IR. Larsen, Birger; Ingwersen, P. & Kekäläinen, Jaana. In: Ruthven, I., Borlund, P., Ingwersen, P., Belkin, N., Tombros, A. & Vakkari, P. (eds.), Information Interaction in Context: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Information Interaction in Context (IiiX 2006). Copenhagen, New York: Royal School of Library and Information Science /ACM Press, 2006: 148-162.0.4 MB 
 Inter and intra-document contexts applied in polyrepresentation. Skov, Mette; Larsen, Birger & Ingwersen, Peter. In: Ruthven, I., Borlund, P., Ingwersen, P., Belkin, N., Tombros, A. & Vakkari, P. (eds.), Information Interaction in Context: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Information Interaction in Context (IiiX 2006). Copenhagen, New York: Royal School of Library and Information Science /ACM Press, 2006: 163-170.2 MB 
 Context in Information Interaction – Revisited 2006. In: Bothma, T. (ed.), ProLissa 2006: Proceedings of the Fourth Biennial DISSAnet Conference: Progress in Library and Information Science in Southern Africa. University of Pretoria; The I-School, 2006: 13-23.0.5 MB 
  Comparative study between first and all-author co-citation analysis based on citation indexes generated from XML data. Schneider, J.W., Larsen, Birger; Ingwersen, P. In: Torres-salinas, D. & Moed, H.F. (eds.), Proceedings of 11th International Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics (ISSI 2007). Centre for Scientific Information and Documentation (CINDOC) of the Spanish Research Council: 696-707.  
  A national research profile-based immediacy index and citation ratio indicator for research evaluation. Ingwersen, P., Schneider, J.W., Scharff, M., Larsen, Birger. In: Torres-Salinas, D. & Moed, H.F. (eds.), Proceedings of 11th International Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics (ISSI 2007). Centre for Scientific Information and Documentation (CINDOC) of the Spanish Research Council: 864-865.  
  Task complexity and information behavior in group based problem solving. Hyldegård, J. & Ingwersen, P. In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science (CoLIS 6). Borås, Sweden: 2007:.  
 On the holistic cognitive theory for information retrieval. Ingwersen, P. & Järvelin, K. In: Dominich, S & Kisss, F. (eds.): Studies in Theory of Information Retrieval. Budapest: Foundation for Information Society, 2007: 135-147.0.2 MB 
 Exploring information seeking behaviour in a digital museum context. Skov, M. & Ingwersen, P. In: Borlund, P. et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the Information Interaction in Context Conference (IIiX) 2008. London. NY: ACM Press, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series; Vol. 348: 110-115.0.5 MB 
 Searchers’ relevance judgments and criteria in evaluating Web pages in a learning style perspective. Papaeconomou, P. Zijlema, A.F. & Ingwersen, P. (2008). In: Borlund, P. et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the Information Interaction in Context Conference (IIiX) 2008. London. NY: ACM Press, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series; Vol. 348: 123-132.0.9 MB 
  Brazil research in selected scientific areas: Trends 1981-2005. Ingwersen, P. Proceedings of ISSI 2009 - the 12th International Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 14-17, 2009. Larsen, B. & Leta, J. (eds.). 2. Bireme/Paho/WHO and Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2009: 692-696.  
  Research assessments by synchronic and diachronic citation impact: A case study of Carlos III University of Madrid. Iribarren-Maestro, I., Ingwersen, P. & Larsen, B. Proceedings of ISSI 2009 - the 12th International Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 14-17, 2009. 1. Bireme/Paho/WHO and Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2009: 487-491.  
 Developing a Test Collection for the Evaluation of Integrated Search. Marianne Lykke, Birger Larsen, Haakon Lund & Peter Ingwersen. In: Cathal Gurrin et al. (eds.), Advances in Information Retrieval: 32nd European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2010, Milton Keynes, UK, March 28-31, 2010, Proceedings. Köln: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-12275-0_63, p. 627-630. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science).1.6 MB 
 Supporting Polyrepresentation in a Quantum-inspired Geometrical Retrieval Framework. Ingo Frommholz, Birger Larsen, Benjamin Piwowarski, Mounia Lalmas, Peter Ingwersen, Keith van Rijsbergen. In: Nick Belkin et al. (eds.), Third Symposium on Information Interaction in Context, New Brunswick, NJ, USA, August 18-21, 2010. Berlin, Springer: 115-124. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science).0.4 MB 
 A Subjective Logic Formalisation of the Principle of Polyrepresentation for Information Needs. Christina Lioma, Birger Larsen, Hinrich Schuetze, Peter Ingwersen. In: Nick Belkin et al. (eds.), Third Symposium on Information Interaction in Context, New Brunswick, NJ, USA, August 18-21, 2010. Berlin, Springer: 125-134. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science).0.5 MB 
 Assessors’ Search Result Satisfaction Associated with Relevance in a Scientific Domain. Peter Ingwersen, Toine Bogers, Birger Larsen, Marianne Lykke, Haakon Lund. In: Nick Belkin et al. (eds.), Third Symposium on Information Interaction in Context, New Brunswick, NJ, USA, August 18-21, 2010. Berlin, Springer: 283-287. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science).1 MB 
  Physicists’ information tasks: structure, length and retrieval performance. Marianne Lykke, Peter Emil Ingwersen, Toine Bogers, Birger Larsen, Haakon Lund. In: Nick Belkin et al. (eds.), Third Symposium on Information Interaction in Context, New Brunswick, NJ, USA, August 18-21, 2010. Berlin, Springer: 347-351. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science).  
  Perspectives on Adaptivity in Information Retrieval Interaction (PAIRI - panel). Ingwersen, P., Larsen, B., Kelly, D., Wang, P. & Lykke, M. In: Navigating Streams in an Information Ecosystem. Grove, A. (red.). American Society for Information Science and Technology 2010, 5 s. (ASIS&T Annual Meeting, Vol. 47.).  
  Does Degree of Work Task Completion Influence Retrieval Performance? Ingwersen, P., Bogers, T. & Lykke, M. In: Navigating Streams in an Information Ecosystem. Grove, A. (red.). American Society for Information Science and Technology, 2010, 2 s. (ASIS&T Annual Meeting, Vol. 47.).  
  Do open access working papers attract more citations compared to printed journal articles from the same research unit? Ingwersen, P. & Elleby, A. In: Proceedings of the ISSI 2011 Conference. Noyons, E., Ngulube, P. & Leta, J. (red.). South Africa: ISSI & University of Zululand, 2011: 327-332.  
 Usefulness Assessments and Perceptions of Work Task Complexity and Search Topic Specificity: An Exploratory Study. Ingwersen, P. & Wang, P. In: Proceedings of the ECIR 2012 Workshop on Task-Based and Aggregated Search (TBAS2012). Larsen, B., Lioma, C. & de Vries, A. P. (red.), 1 Apr. 2012: 19-23.2.4 MB 
  Preliminary experiments using subjective logic for the polyrepresentation of information needs. Lioma, C., Larsen, B. & Ingwersen, P. In: Proceedings of the 4th Information Interaction in Context Symposium, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, August 21-24, 2012; edited by Jaap Kamps, Wessel Kraaij and Norbert Fuhr. ISBN: 978-1-4503-1282-0, p. 175-183.  
  A subjective logic formalisation of the principle of polyrepresentation for information needs (PART 2) : practical application and analysis. Lioma, Christina; Larsen, Birger; Schütze, Hinrich; Ingwersen, Peter. Proceedings of the 4th Information Interaction in Context Symposium. Association for Computing Machinery, 2012. p. 125-134.  
  An Exploratory Study into Perceived Task Complexity, Topic Specificity and Usefulness for Integrated Search. Ingwersen, Peter; Lioma, Christina; Larsen, Birger; Wang, Peiling. Proceedings of the 4th Information Interaction in Context Symposium, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, August 21-24, 2012; edited by Jaap Kamps, Wessel Kraaij and Norbert Fuhr. ISBN: 978-1-4503-1282-0, p. 302-305.  
  Relationship between Usefulness Assessments and Perceptions of Work Task Complexity and Search Topic Specificity: An Exploratory Study. Peter Ingwersen & Wang, Peiling. In: Proceedings of the ECIR 2012 Workshop on Task-Based and Aggregated Search (TBAS2012).(Birger Larsen; Christina Lioma; Arjen P. de Vries (eds.). 2012. p. 19-23.  
  Scientific production and international collaboration on Solar Energy in Spain and Germany (1995-2009). Sanz-Casado, Elias; Lascurain-Sanchez, Maria-Louisa; Garcia-Zorita, J. Carlos; Serrano-Lopez, Antonio Eleazar; Larsen, Birger; Ingwersen, Peter. In: Proceedings of the ISSI 2013 Conference, Vienna, 15. July, 2013, p. 2126-2129. ISBN: 978-3-200-03135-7.  
  Influence of university mergers and the Norwegian performance indicator on overall Danish citation impact 2000-12. Ingwersen, Peter; Larsen, Birger. In: Proceedings of the ISSI 2013 Conference, Vienna, 15. July, 2013, p. 1003-1018. ISBN: 978-3-200-03135-7.  
  Contribution and influence of proceedings papers to citation impact in seven conference and journal-driven sub-fields of energy research 2005-11. Ingwersen, Peter; Larsen, Birger; Garcia-Zorita, J. Carlos; Serrano-López, Antonio Eleazar; Sanz-Casado, Elias. In: Proceedings of the ISSI 2013 Conference, Vienna, 15. July, 2013, p. 418-425. ISBN: 978-3-200-03135-7. .  
  The Evaluation of Scholarly Books as Research Output. Current Developments in Europe. Giminez-Toledo, Elea; Mañana-Rodriguez, Jorge; Engels, Tim; Ingwersen, Peter; Polonen, Janne; Sivertsen, Gunnar; Verleysen, Frederik; Zuccala, Alesia Ann. Proceedings of the 15th International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 29th June to 4th July, 2015. Albert Ali Salah et al. (eds) Bogazici University, 2015. pp. 469-476.  

book chapters and selected textbooks

book chapters

  ESA-Quest User Manual Sections:
Prepared for IRS Online Service Division. ESA-QUEST Manual, Vol. 3, the sections 2; 25; 35; 47; 27; 33; 6. Frascati, IRS, 1982-84. 456p.
  Cognitive analysis and the role of the intermediary in the information search. In: Intelligent Information Systems: Progress and Prospects. Ed. by Roy Davies. London: Horwood, 1986 (0-85312-896-0) (Ellis Horwood Series in Artificial Intelligence), pp 206-237.  
  Towards a new research paradigm in IR. In: Knowledge Engineering: Expert Systems and Information Retrieval. Ed. by Irene Wormell. London: Taylor Graham, 1988, pp. 150-168.  
  Analisi cognitiva e ruolo dell'intermediario. In: Sistemi Informativi Intelligenti: Resultati e prospettive. Ed. Roy Davies. Padova: Franco Musso, 1988 (88-7021-403-6) (Intelligenza Artificiale e Robotica), pp. 245-285. (Translation of 4.1.2)  
  Modern indexing and retrieval techniques matching different types of information needs. With I. Wormell. In: Information - Knowledge - Evolution. Ed. by Sinikka Koskiala and Ritva Launo. Proc. of the 44th FID Conf., Helsinki. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1989, (0 444 87326 0) (FID Publication, 675), pp. 79-90. (Key-note).  
  Databases as an analytical tool in research management: a case study
Peter Ingwersen and I. Wormell. In: The Knowledge Industries. Ed. by. B. Cronin and N. Tudor-Silovic. London: Aslib, 1990 (0-85142-266-7), pp. 205-216.
  Information science as a cognitive science.
In: Informations- und Wissenverarbeitung in den Socialwissenshaften: Beiträge zur Umsetzung neuer Informationstechnologien. Ed. by M. Herfurth, H.P. Ohly & B. Endes-Niggemeyer. Opladen: Westdeuthscher Verlag, 1994, pp. 23-56.
  Information and information science
In: Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science. Ed. by Allen Kent. New York: Dekker, Vol. 56. 1995, pp. 137-174.
  Information and information science in context
In: Information Science: From the Development of the Discipline to Social Interaction. Ed. by Johan Olaisen, E. Munch-Petersen, and Patrick Wilson. Oslo, Scandinavian University Press, 1996, pp. 69-112. (Reprint of item #2.14)
  The Cognitive framework for information retrieval: A paradigmatic perspective In: Herausforderungen an de Informationswissenschaft. Ed. by. Jürgen Krause, Mathias Herfurth, Jutta Marx. Universitätsverlag Konstanz, 1996, p. 65-78. (Key-note).  
  Information transfer viewed as interactive cognitive processes Peter Ingwersen and Pia Borlund. In: Information Science: Integration in Perspective. P. Ingwersen & N.O.Pors (eds.). Copenhagen, Royal School of Librarianship, 1996. 87-7415-260-2. p. 219-232.  
  Informationsvidenskab. Peter Ingwersen and Peter Bøgh Andersen. In: Den Store Danske Encyclopædi. Gyldendal, vol. 9, 1997, p. 382, 100 print-lines.  
  Informationssøgning. In: Den Store Danske Encyclopædi. Gyldendal, vol. 9, 1997, p. 381, 40 print-lines  
 Applying diachronic citation analysis to research program evaluations. Peter Ingwersen, Birger Larsen and Irene Wormell. In: Cronin, B. & Atkins, H.B. (eds.), The Web of Knowledge: Festschrift for Eugene Garfield. Medford, NJ: Information Today, 2000. p. 373-388.0.1 MB 
 Users in context. In: Agosti, M., Crestani, F. and Pasi, G. (eds.) Lectures on Information Retrieval. London, Springer Verlag, 2001: 157-178.0.4 MB 
  Information seeking. In: Fether, J. & Sturges, P. (eds.), International Encyclopaedia of Information and Library Science Routledge, 2003: 301-303.  
  Users in IR Context. In: Berrut, C. And Chiaramella, Y. (eds.), ESSIR ’03 Student Booklet, Laboratoire IMAG, Université de Grenoble, France, September 2003, p. 103-121. (Slide Presentation, bibliography)  
  Integrating Information Seeking and Interactive IR – A Research Framework. In: Fisher K. et al. (eds.), Theories of Information Behavior: A Researcher's Guide. New York, American Society for Information Science, 2004:  
 Methodological issues of Webometric studies. Ingwersen, P. & Björneborn, L. In: Handbook of Quantitative Science and Technology Research. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004, Chapter 15: 339-370.2.7 MB 
 Cognitive overlaps along the polyrepresentative continuum. Larsen, B & Ingwersen, P. In: Spink, A. & Cole, C., (eds.), New Directions in Cognitive IR Theory. Springer, 2005: 43-60.3 MB 
  Online determination of the journal impact factor and its international properties. Christensen, F.H., Ingwersen, P. & Wormell, I. Braun, T. (ed.), The Impact Factor of Scientific and Scholarly Journals. Its Use and Misuse. A selection of papers reprinted from the journal Scientometrics. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, Scientific Journals Business Centre, 2007: 373-384.  
  User-oriented and cognitive models of information retrieval. Järvelin, K. & Ingwersen, P. In: Bates, M. (ed.), Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science. Third edition ed. London, UK, Taylor & Francis: 5521-5534.  
 The user in interactive information retrieval evaluation. Ingwersen, P. In: Advanced Topics in Information Retrieval 33. Melucci, M. & Baeza-Yates, R. (red.). New York: Springer Publishing Company, Jan. 2011: 83-107. (The Information Retrieval Series).2.1 MB 
  Scientific Datasets: Informetric Characteristics and Social Utility Metrics for Biodiversity Data Sources. P. Ingwersen. In: Library and Information Science Series: Trends and Research. C. Chen, R. Larsen (Eds.). Vol. XIV, 2014: 107-118. ISBN 978-3-642-54811-6.  

selected textbooks

  Eksempelsamling i Navneformsproblemer. (Case Collection of Name Form Problems)
Copenhagen: Royal School of Librarianship, 1973. 32 p. Textbook in Danish.
  Materiale Vedrørende de nye Katalogiseringsregler og Bibliografisk Standard for Danske Biblioteker. (Material concerning the new cataloguing rules and bibliographic standards for Danish Libraries). Copenhagen: Royal School of Librarianship, 1976. 34 p. Textbook in Danish.  
  Ordnings- og Registreringsproblemer : Opgavesamling. (Problems of Indexing : Case Collection). With E. Knudsen and Th. Johansen. Copenhagen: Royal School of Librarianship, 1979 (new ed. 1981), 48 p.  
  Informationsprocesser. (Information Processes). Peter Ingwersen og K. Strunck. Copenhagen: Royal School of Librarianship, 1980, 178 p.  

r&d reports and curriculum programs

r&d reports

  JIT-Projektet: Arbejdsrapport af 31.08.1978. Interim research report on the JIT Project
("Cognitive aspects of information transfer in libraries), in Danish. With Poul Timmermann, Th. Johansen & Søren Kaae. Danmarks Biblioteksskole. 1978. 2 vol. (384 p.).
  User-librarian negotiations and information search procedures in public libraries: analysis of verbal protocols: final research report. With S. Kaae. Copenhagen: Royal School of Librarianship, 1980. 115 p.  
  ESA/IRS - det Europæiske informationscenter. Danmarks Biblioteksskole, 1982. 32 p.  
  The Bridge Project: report on US-brokers' fields of interests, their language capacity, staff size, use of hosts and user groupings. Frascati: ESA. Online Service Division, 1982. 23p.  
  ESA-QUEST search samples for advanced online users. Franscati: ESA. Online Service Division. 1982. 11p.  
  Report on the 1982 survey on UK online users. Frascati: ESA. Online Service Division. Marketing, 1983. 11p.  
  QUEST-Menu: report on the present state of the ESA-QUEST online menu tutorial system. Frascati: ESA-IRS. Online Service Division, 1984. 12 p. Interim report. Confidential.  
  Final research report on R&D activities 1982-1984. Frascati: ESA-IRS. Online Service Division, 1984. 5 p. + Annexes.  
  Notat til Bibliotekscentralen om BASIS databasen - evalueringsproblemer. Udarbejdet på foranledning af Rektoratet, Danmarks Biblioteksskole, 18-12-1986. 5 p. Report on evaluation problems concerned with BASIS, the Danish online national bibliography)  
  Description of intermediary performance. Memorandum to Dansk Datamatik Center. The KIWI Project, ESPRIT project 1117, 24-02-1987 (14 p.)  
  Folketingets emneordssøgesystem. Notat til Folketingets Bureau vedr. brug af emneord, fuldtekst og klyngeprincipper. 13-08-1988, 14 p. (The Danish Parliament's subject retrieval system)  
  Design of information retrieval functionalities: the user interface. Functional design to Dansk Datamatik Center / CRI. EUROMATH Project. 23-11-1988. 25 p.  
  Arbejdsgange og regler for opstilling og emneregistrering af billeder i Politiken's fælles billedarkiv. P. Ingwersen og S. Ørnager. 14-09-1989, 31 s. (Rules for storage and indexing of photos in Politiken's integrated archive).  
  Spørgeskema: Folketingets Informationssystem. Februar, 1989. 16 s. (Questionnaire:The information system of the Danish Parliament) Analyserapport - spørgeskemaundersøgelse. Folketingets informationssystem. 17-03-1989. 20 p. (Analysis report of investigation of information seeking, the Danish Parliament).  
  Regler for indeksering af bilag og udvalgsdokumenter. Folketingets database for udvalgsakter. 23-08-1990. 10 s. (The Danish parliament. Indexing rules and thesaurus use).
Klynger og klyngeprincippet. Folketinget database for udvalgsakter. 23-08-1990. 9 s. (The Danish Parliament. Clustering principles).
Rapport over test af tidsforbrug ved emneindeksering i Folketingets database for udvalgsakter. 29-08-1990. 5 s. (The Danish Parliament. Test of indexing time consumption).
Sagsområder i Folketingets udvalg. Folketingets database for udvalgsakter. 11-09-1990. (The Danish Parliament. Subject areas in the Parliament's Standing Committees).
  Online determination of the generalised journal impact factors. Peter Ingwersen and Finn HjortgaardChristensen. Centre for Informetric Studies, Royal School of Library and Information Science, 1996 (CIS-Report 1) (selected parts as conference paper: #4.1.11 and article #2.25)  
  Informetric analyses on the World Wide Web: A methodological approach to “internetometrics”. Thomas C. Almind and Peter Ingwersen. Center for InformetricStudies, Royal School of Library and Information Science, 1996 (CIS-Report 2) (selected parts as journal article: 2.23).  
  Report and Recommendations to the Human Sciences research Council in relation to Research on Informatisation of Society and Curriculum Development in the Field of Information Science in the Republic of South Africa. Peter Ingwersen and Irene Wormell. Royal School of Librarianship, 1997, March 21. 17 p.  
  The International Visibility of Danish and Scandinavian Research 1988-1996. A General Overview of Science & Technology and the Social Sciences by Online Publication Analysis.
Published by the Royal School of Library and Information Science/CIS, Copenhagen, 1998, 72 p. (CIS Report 5). ISBN 87 7415 263 7. (also as #0.11).
  Det Strategiske Miljøforskningsprogram: Midtvejsevaluering af publiceringsaktiviteten for ni
forskningscentre 1993-95. Centre for Informetric Studies, Royal School of Library and Information Science, 1999. 33p (CIS Report 9).
  Report on the International Research Visibility and Impact of Research of Psychiatry for Denmark in Scandinavian, EU and World Contexts. CIS – Report 12. 14p.  
  Rapport fra Arbejdsgruppen vedrørende videnskabelig publicerings- og citationsanalyse (Bibliometrigruppen), November 2000. P. Ingwersen og Birger Larsen under medvirken af J.Chr. Djurhuus, Søren Find og B. Jeune. Statens Sundhedsvidenskabelige Forskningsråd. 2000, 26 s. ( (Hovedkonklusioner: I: Medicinsk Sundhedsforsknings Fremtid: MESUF Rapporten. Forskningsministeriet & Sundhedsministeriet, marts 2001, s. 91-94. (Sundhedsanalyser 2001:3)).  
  Analyse af dækningsgraden 1998 i Science Citation Index for anvendte tidsskrifter samt analyse af førsteforfatterandelen inden for dansk sundhedsvidenskab. P. Ingwersen, under medvirken af Birger Larsen og Rasmus Bruun. Statens Sundhedsvidenskabelige Forskningsråd (sag, 22-00-0647), 29/12-2001, 50 s.  
  Dækningsgraden i Science Citation Index af forskningen internationalt indenfor de sundhedsvidenskabelige universitetsfakulteter og H:S samt i de centrale medicinske databaser 1998. Revideret rapport udarbejdet til Statens Sundhedsvidenskabelige Forskningsråd, 8. august, 2003: 14 s.  
  Det Strategiske Miljøforskningsprogram: Evaluering af Ni Forskningscentre 1993-98. Ingwersen, P., Bojsen-Møller, T. & Bruun, R. Institut for Informationsstudier, Danmarks Biblioteksskole, 2003: 74 s  

curriculum programs

  Rapport og forslag fra Planlægningsgruppen for Informationskundskab vedrørende informationsvidenskabens funktion og placering på Danmarks Biblioteksskole. Report on curriculum effects of introducing information science as study area. Udfærdiget som formand for udvalget. 10.09. 1977, 12 p. (A3-format).  
  Informationssystemer - opbygning og forvaltning: videreuddannelseskursus 2080. Studieplan, 17 ugers kursus. Danmarks Biblioteksskole, 1985. 26 p. (Information systems - design and management: post graduate curriculum program)  
  Forslag til rektor fra Arbejdsgruppen vedr. den Informationsvidenskabelige overbygningsuddannelse ved Danmarks Biblioteksskole. I samarbejde med Gitte Larsen og Elisabet Sinding. Danmarks Biblioteksskole. 1986. 19 s. (Master of Information Science program proposal)  
  Informationssystemer - planlægning; Informationssystemer - design; Informationssystemer - forvaltning: Videreuddannelseskursus 2160, 2161 og 2182.
Studieplaner, 3, 4 og 4 ugers kursus. Danmarks Biblioteksskole, 1986-87. 14+14+13 p. (Information systems - planning, design and management: 11 week post graduate program: Syllabus).
  Studieplaner 1. - 3. Semester. Kandidatuddannelsen i Biblioteks- og informations-videnskab. Danmarks Biblioteksskole, 1991-. 14+14+14 s. (Syllabus of the MSc program in Library and Information Science).  
  Information science and management: the framework and prospects underlying the new Danish MSc Programme. Journal of Information Science, (20), 3, 1994, pp. 197-208. (Identical to #2.17)  

review articles, large book reviews
and brief communications

  Review article. N.J. Belkin and A. Vickery: Interaction in Information Systems : a review of research from document retrieval to knowledge-based systems. (London: The British Library, 1985). Journal of Documentation, (42), 3, Sept. 1986, pp 197-200.  
  Library & information science in perspective. Review of the CoLIS Conf. proceedings on Conceptions of Library and Information Science, Tampere, Finland, August, 1991. Information Management Report, March, 1992, pp. 12-17. (Based on publ. 2.14; 3.10).  
  Review. M. Buckland: Information and Information Systems. (London: Praeger, 1991).
Information Processing and Management, (29), 3, 1993, pp. 400-401.
  Review article. Communication and Negotiation. Ed. by Linda L. Putman & Michael E. Roloff. New York: Sage Publ., 1992. The Library Quarterly, (63), 3, 1993, pp. 380-385  
  Applied logic. Reply to: A note on search formulation redundancy, by Per Ahlgren.
Journal of Documentation, 1998 vol. 54(3), p. 354-355.
  Editorial: Introduction to the special issue from the Royal School of Library and Information Science, Denmark. Journal of Documentation, 2000, 56(1), 1-4.  
  Interactive Information Seeking, Behaviour and Retrieval. Edited by Ian Ruthven and Diane Kelly. London: Facet Publishing, 2011. 296 p. $ 89.95 (paperback). (ISBN: 978-1-85604-707-4). Book review. Journal of American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), Vol. 63, No. 10, 2012: 2122-2125.  
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